Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Surgery #8

Well...let's start with the good news. This morning, before her surgery, her CRPs were down to 4! The surgery went well, the muscle looked great, and Dr. Carroll was able to close her lower leg. Great news! Now we just pray that the infection will continue to decrease and respond favorably to all of the antibiotics that she is on. There is a chance that the infection could get worse and we would have to start the process all over again; that did, after all, happen last time we closed her all up. However, we are optimistically looking forward to recovery after lucky surgery #8. Post-op wasn't so lucky, unfortunately. Before surgery Timmie was feeling unusually trepidatious. She texted Kaden at 6:45 am to let him know she was nervous, and she cried for the first time going into the OR. When Timmie got back to her room after spending some time in the recovery room, she was breathing heavily and couldn't catch her breath. Her chest would rise so high off of the bed with each breath that she was literally arching her back. Her oxygen was dropping and her blood pressure and heart rate were sky-rocketing. They quickly called a rapid response and within minutes the room was filled with a critical care team. There were easily 15-20 people in the room and another dozen or so just outside of the door. Timmie was in tremendous pain, similar to what she experienced after her second surgery. I was frightened and stood near the back of the room staring out the window and praying for help. They told Timmie that I was in the room and she looked for me, so they had me come to the head of her bed. It's amazing that in critical situations like these I can push aside my own fears and help Timmie deal with her own. And when I say amazing, I mean entirely beyond my own strength and capabilities. Those are the times when I feel the Lord take over. I rubbed her hair, held her hand, and whispered in her ear. I prayed for strength and peace for both of us. The medical team was prepared and knowledgable, but visibly concerned. Without making too public things that are tender and sacred to Timmie, I will say that she was encircled in the arms of God's love. After about 40 minutes (and rather suddenly and miraculously) she returned to normal and we were both filled with peace. Several people - doctors, nurses, social workers - were worried about both Timmie and I after the traumatic episode, but we were both extremely comforted. Ok... I have been resisting the urge to throw out my favorite Scarlet Letter quote because I will inevitably be made fun of by just about everyone in my family, but we have come to the point that I have no choice...I just can't hold it in. So my boyfriend, Nathaniel Hawthorne (it's okay, Bo knows and has come to terms with it) so astutely observes, "In our nature, however, there is a provision, alike marvelous and merciful, that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture, but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it." I believe that Hawthorne acknowledges here the strength of the human spirit. It is indeed "marvelous and merciful" and amazing and mind boggling all at once that when we are called to face the unthinkable challenge, the unbearable burden, the unimaginable obstacle, that some power inherent within us all kicks in, and we are able to endure, survive, even thrive amidst the struggle. I have felt this before and am most definitely feeling it now. I am sure that the "pang that rankles" after this trial will be unlike any pang in my heart I have ever felt. I am sure that it is a feeling that will resonate within the depths of my soul for all my years to come. But I am thankful to my Father in Heaven for this provision of strength and fortitude, and I testify that He is ever near.


  1. Thanks so much Amy for your blog. I love how you talk about the "strength of the human spirit." I do believe like you say, "we are able to endure, survive, even thrive admist the struggle." I know that is power Heavenly Father gives us. As you write, your English teacher voice is coming through. I remember helping Mark write papers for your class. I so needed to read your comments, it applies to a lot of aspects of life. Thank you and we continue to pray for your family. --Jen Parry

  2. It is humbling to me to feel the ripple effect of one person's (or one family's) tribulation and blessing. I had the thought come to me Tuesday night that I needed to go to the temple. I was not aware why. So I asked Josh if he wanted to go with me and we left at 6:00 am on Wednesday morning. As I passed the prayer roll on my way in, Timmie came to my mind. I put Timmie's name (and the Bowie family) on the prayer roll, and spent some personal time praying for each of you. I know that I am only one of many on the side lines who are praying for Timmie's safety and recovery... a very small part of the picture... but I am grateful for the whispering of the Spirit that I felt while reading of Timmie's latest experience. It was a testimony to me that God is indeed aware of each of us and loves us immensely. Thank you for sharing with us. We love you.

  3. Amy: Thanks for keeping this blog so the rest of us know what is happening in SLC. Your strength and faith amazes me. I was reading a book last night (Divine Signatures...The Confirming Hand of God) In it ...Bruce R McConkie says...."This life never was intended to be easy. It is a probationary estate in which we are tested physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. We suffer pain and sorrow and afflictions." Then Gerald Lund says........
    "What makes the difference between those who falter and those who endure? It's not just what we believe, it's what we feel about God and toward God. That is the basis for a strong faith. And a strong faith is the precursor to a deep testimony." Anyway, I thought of you as I was reading. We have heard others say that we become "acquainted" with God when we go through our trials. You are an example to all of us. Thank-You!! Our family continues to pray for Timmie as well as for you and Bo and the rest of your family. Love You ....Patty
